Our story

herself jewelry pearl jewelry store

Why would an ordinary woman dare to start her own brand in a world brimming with countless others? For the founder of Herself Jewelry, life is not merely a series of days but a grand game to be played fearlessly, a stage filled with opportunities to seize and dreams to chase.

Our brand was born out of this audacious spirit, rooted in the vibrant cultures of Singapore and Australia, places where our founder resides and travels between. From a tender age, she was captivated by the allure of beautiful things. Raised in a loving and humble family, she often watched her mother, an epitome of elegance, adorn herself with pearls. She recognized the challenge they face - the search for stylish, real pearl jewelry that doesn't break the bank.

Despite pursuing a master's degree in public policy and dedicating seven years to the fintech industry, with newfound courage of being 30 years old, she decided to step up and fill this gap, making elegant yet affordable pearl jewelry accessible for all. And thus, Herself Jewelry was born.

herself jewelry our story pearl jewelry

Starting Herself Jewelry was no easy task. She faced countless challenges in her journey, from sourcing the highest quality pearls, to forging connections with industry leaders, and even surviving in an extremely competitive market. There were times of struggle and moments of doubt, but with a heart full of passion and a mind filled with determination, she pressed on.

The road was tough, the journey fraught with trials, but every hurdle only strengthened her resolve. Her vision wasn't merely to create another brand in a sea of many, but to build a symbol of empowerment, an emblem for every woman who, much like a pearl, undergoes life's pressures only to shine brighter. Each piece of jewelry she designs isn't just a product—it's a testament to the power of dreams and the beauty of perseverance.

Her background in public policy instilled in her the importance of sustainability and giving back. Even as a budding brand, Herself Jewelry is committed to these values, collaborating only with suppliers who share this respect for the environment.

Today, Herself Jewelry has finally launched. It is more than just selling beautiful pearl jewelry. It's about offering every woman an opportunity to feel elegant, strong, and, most importantly, herself. We always remained committed to sourcing the finest pearls directly from leading global suppliers and ensuring every piece, from necklaces to earrings, is crafted with meticulous care.

All our pearls are handpicked from the seas and lakes of Southeast Asia, Japan, China, and Australia. We guarantee all our products use 100% Genuine Pearl.

We strive to build Herself Jewelry, the Real, Honest Jewelry you can trust

Through our journey, we also hope to inspire countless women to embrace their true selves, to shine, and to realize that even in adversity, they are more than enough. It's a testament to the belief that, in the face of adversity and against all odds, it's possible to create something beautiful, meaningful, and true to oneself.

herself jewelry about us our story